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Compensate my CO2 emisions

Are you a company?
Know what your company can do

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Compensate my CO2 emisions

Are you a company?
Know what your company can do

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Compensate my CO2 emisions

Are you a company?
Know what your company can do

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Grow and protect trees to engage customers

Impact marketing with trees increases brand affinity with the growing number of consumers who prefer brands that contribute to the well-being of the planet, compared to those that do not.

Sponsor a forest for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Sponsoring one of our projects means employee ​and customer engagement - everyone loves trees! You'll be able to regularly share communications material about your project.

Compensate your carbon footprint

When carbon sequestration is needed, the best technology is a tree. They are an amazing carbon sink.

Make a philanthropic donation

Trees for Humanity is a non-profit organization. In the European Union.

Fund scientific research

Our projects are grounded in science. We collaborate with scientific advisors, international organisations, and universities to develop applied research in our restoration projects.
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Grow and protect trees to engage customers

Impact marketing with trees increases brand affinity with the growing number of consumers who prefer brands that contribute to the well-being of the planet, compared to those that do not.

Sponsor a forest for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Sponsoring one of our projects means employee ​and customer engagement - everyone loves trees! You'll be able to regularly share communications material about your project.

Compensate your carbon footprint

When carbon sequestration is needed, the best technology is a tree. They are an amazing carbon sink.

Make a philanthropic donation

Trees for Humanity is a non-profit organization. In the European Union.

Fund scientific research

Our projects are grounded in science. We collaborate with scientific advisors, international organisations, and universities to develop applied research in our restoration projects.
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Grow and protect trees to engage customers

Impact marketing with trees increases brand affinity with the growing number of consumers who prefer brands that contribute to the well-being of the planet, compared to those that do not.

Sponsor a forest for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Sponsoring one of our projects means employee ​and customer engagement - everyone loves trees! You'll be able to regularly share communications material about your project.

Compensate your carbon footprint

When carbon sequestration is needed, the best technology is a tree. They are an amazing carbon sink.

Make a philanthropic donation

Trees for Humanity is a non-profit organization. In the European Union.

Fund scientific research

Our projects are grounded in science. We collaborate with scientific advisors, international organisations, and universities to develop applied research in our restoration projects.


        If easier, you can contact us by email at:

        If easier, you can contact us by email at:

        If easier, you can contact us by email at: